The Blumes
The image depicts a couple embracing in a lush, natural setting. A young woman with long, curly hair is wearing a flowing white dress, and a man wearing a plaid shirt has his arms wrapped around her. They are gazing into each other's eyes with expressions of joy and affection. The background is filled with verdant foliage, suggesting a scenic outdoor location, possibly a park or forest area. The warm lighting and intimate pose convey a sense of romance and tenderness between the couple.

Couple's Romantic Engagement Photo on Canvas

We are super-fans of Emily and Ben's pick for this 20x30 gallery wrapped canvas! (Can we just keep this one here in the studio, you guys??) Ok, we know you're ready for this fun piece to find its way home -- so be on the lookout, Emily and Ben. ;) #canvas #engagementphotos #stonemountain #BlumePhotography #crossfit #thecouplewhotrainstogetherstaystogether @simplycolorlab

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