The Blumes
A computer screen displaying a failed operation or error message in large red text that simply reads 'FAILED'. The background of the screen is gray, and a toolbar at the top displays standard application window controls and menu options, indicating an operating system environment. The image appears to depict a frustrating technical issue or computer malfunction.

Computer Failure Highlights Importance of Data Backups

..and right in the middle of our busiest month of the year. Our primary computer experienced a complete hard drive failure. But we're not panicking! We have backups. This is why every photographer MUST have a robust and duplicated system of backups for all your images and data. We use a combo of wireless Apple Time Machines, cloud backup for full-res images via ShootProof, and Drobo redundant hard drive towers, with archived storage off-site. Overkill? Not in this business. The year we started up, we saw two of the most talented photographers we looked up to go out of business because of loss due to unpreparedness. This would have been our swan song if we hadn't planned ahead for something like this. Don't learn the hard way.

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