Newsletter Reaches 5,000 Subscribers
Something significant happened today. Our 5,000th newsletter subscriber! That's right -- 5K Unifiers in our fast-growing ComeUnity family!!! Wow!! This means 2 things…
1) Eileen and I will now have to pay for the higher level of our email service. (Yippee?) So if you aren't a Unifier already, sign up quick and make it worthwhile! haha. Jk. (But seriously, sign up — you’ll love it… *wink* #linkinbio) AND…
2) It's obvious something special is happening here! Eileen and I have learned the hard way how crucial it is to focus FIRST on the success of our LIFE, alongside a very smart business and constantly improving artistry. But we aren’t alone. This idea clearly hits a chord with YOU, too!
If we can’t help someone, like you, with everything we’ve learned over the past 8 years growing a hugely successful (and let’s be honest — at times much less than successful) business, then what’s the point? We strongly believe God put us on Earth for so much more, and it’s why our studio does what it does for our couples and through charity. So it’s time we step up to the plate for all of you — photographers — who are doing the challenging job we do every day…
2017 holds some very exciting new opportunities for Unifiers! We’ll begin announcing them soon in the ComeUnity newsletter, and then here on Instagram too! That’s right, as long as this amazing community is growing organically behind-the-scenes, we might as well get serious and let it grow here socially, too, for anyone who cares enough to share in this better work-life journey…
Putting on our big-kid pants and getting down to business. Can’t wait to see you along the way! :)