Reclaiming Wonders

Visit to Whiteside Natural History Museum

Afternoon drive to #seymourtexas to the #whitesidenaturalhistorymuseum - a nonprofit museum dedicated to the fossil finds only five miles away at a local ranch. Itā€™s a pretty significant dig site and is still an active dig complete with a lab with specimens being processed. One of the signs was marked that it was just found six months ago. Good for fixing those thoughts that all has already been found. Home of the most intact diplodocus skeleton, we also read about diplocaulos and eryops... new to me. We are far from dinosaur experts around here, so it was very cool to see dinosaur remains coming from an actual site... not just a distant museum. Granted this is not our big city Houston museum that we love, but special in its own way. Worth the trip. Especially with family.

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