Trooper With One Good Hand
Here's the story of a boy trying o eat his first food with one hand- free ChikFilA breakfast of course. He fell when getting off the trampoline Friday night, didn't want to use it Saturday but could push and pull and didn't seek or bruise... couldn't open strong cheese because it hurt. Still having some problems on Sunday so I took him for an X-ray just to make sure. The X-ray looked good to me, the other PA, and the pediatrician. He was so happy. I made swimming lesson plans. Monday I got a call. The head radiologist said he has a plastic bending fracture. Aka the angle is off a little. So now with a splint. Praying Friday the ortho says it's good! I.. hate...trampolines. He's a trooper, not hurting, but mostly mourning swimming, climbing, domino setting, and monkey bars ;(.