Reclaiming Wonders
The image depicts a person's hand holding a book titled 'The Obesity Code: Unlocking the Secrets of Weight Loss' by Jason Fung, M.D. The book cover features a foreword by Timothy Noakes and a tagline that reads 'Why your body's own insulin is the key to controlling your weight.' The book is placed on a wooden surface, possibly a table or bench, in an outdoor setting surrounded by lush greenery. Next to the book, there is a plastic cup containing a light-colored bevvy and a red pen or marker.

The Obesity Code by Dr. Jason Fung

This is an important book. And one reason is because it just solidifies to me how badly medical doctors and providers (including me!!) are trained to give you the diabetes and medical nutrition help that you think we are qualified to give you. From a physiologic stand-point, Dr. Fung’s view on how the body works and how to fix so many of our weight related problems makes more sense than anything I ever learned. And makes me regret so much how I told my patients to “get better”, earnestly but misguided. . . Everyone is hearing about fasting but this book tells the why. It also discusses how incorrect all the weight loss, fat is bad, how to eat information we’ve heard for fifty plus years has been wrong. It’s just what we’ve always heard and, like so much else, we refuse to listen. . . I hesitate to post this. Mostly because I’m the worst medical provider hypocrite. 😊 It’s a constant effort, and I need to listen to my own lectures. I can cook all from scratch, avoid trans fats... But have a sugar problem and really like cold, bubbly drinks. And I’m full of excuses because I stay at home with four kids all day and they stress me out, and I cope with Coke 😁 . . Anyways. Check out Jason Fung you tube videos if you don’t have time to read his book. As patients, you should question where you get your information about your own health. And for those of us who have patients depending on us, we’ve had decades to catch up on the science and still refuse to break away from what we’ve been taught incorrectly. Read up. . . I’ll keep working on eating more veggies and coping without a Coke. It’ll be back to travel and family life and kid stuff next time. I’m putting my physician assistant hat back in my pocket 😂

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