Reclaiming Wonders
A crescent-shaped baked pastry, made with a golden-brown bread dough, lies on a white surface. The flaky pastry has been bitten into, revealing a savory sausage filling inside. The sausage filling has a reddish-brown color and appears to be made of ground meat or sausage patty. The pastry's outer crust is slightly uneven and hand-formed, with layers of dough visible along the curved shape. The image captures a simple yet delectable snack or breakfast item.

Texas Sausage Kolache: A Cherished Regional Treat

Simple joys. Georgia friends say hi to what we Houstonians call a kolache. I know it’s not what the original settlers would identify as a kolache, but here they are a delight. . Sausage in a smooshy gluten-filled role. I’ve tried explaining to some of you. You just didn’t get it. It’s not a pig in a blanket. . The longer we are away from Texas, the more it’s as our friend Forrest Gump would say... “It’s like a whole nother country”. ;) .

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