Reclaiming Wonders
The image depicts a charming and rustic campground or cabin area nestled amidst tall evergreen trees and a picturesque mountainous backdrop under a deep blue sky. In the foreground, there are wooden playground structures, including a slide, swings, and a climbing frame, providing entertainment for children. Two young children, one wearing a pink shirt and the other a purple shirt, are seen playing joyfully on the equipment, with one swinging and the other climbing. The playground structures are constructed from natural wood, blending harmoniously with the surrounding wilderness. The scene conveys a sense of tranquility and embraces the beauty of the outdoors, offering a serene retreat for families to enjoy nature and create cherished memories.

Rustic Mountain Playground

We’ve been here at out campground cabin for less than 24 hours, and I think I have heard requests to go to the park every 30 minutes. And in homage to the book I just read, they are barefoot ;) , spinning, hanging, and being left to their own devices. While I try not to tell them to not get dirty... Try... . Note to self: future places should have playgrounds! Especially ones safe enough to feel good leaving them unattended. . How’s that Colorado mountain sky??? .

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