Reclaiming Wonders
The image shows a black laptop computer with its lid open, and several paper documents or notebooks next to it on a wooden surface, likely a desk or table. The laptop appears to be a Toshiba model with a textured black surface. The documents or notebooks seem to be handwritten or printed materials, with one having a purple cover or binding. One document has the words 'Reading List' and 'Bible' written on it, suggesting it may be related to studying or reading materials. The overall scene depicts a workspace or study area, with the laptop and printed materials laid out for reference or use.

Managing Priorities: When Plans Don't Go as Expected

Real. See that March morning time plan? We’ve done so much that I haven’t even written out the graph! . We’ve read three library books in the last 20 days. The stack is actually making me feel guilty, so I should just take them back before they end up in fines 😂 . So just in case you think you’re the only one or that “everyone else” has it together…. . Sometimes it’s okay to prioritize planning Mock Trial and working on Faces of History. Or spending time hiking with friends. Or games and tent making during a silly sleepover with friends. Or spending hours making cookies and writing letters for her mission trip fundraising. . Or just being less because life is busy. . The super truth? I doubt it will get done this week either. We need to put our energy elsewhere. It all still counts. And fun and rest will need to take priority. For the kids and myself. ❤️

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