Reclaiming Wonders
The image shows a collection of hardcover books by author Jan Karon. The books are stacked on top of each other, revealing their titles and the author's name prominently displayed on the spines. The titles visible include 'A Light in the Window', 'These High, Green Hills', 'A New Song', 'A Common Life', 'Shepherds Abiding', and 'Light from Heaven'. The books are in shades of blue, orange, and white, creating a visually appealing arrangement. The image suggests these books are part of a popular series by Jan Karon, likely focusing on small-town or pastoral themes.

Jan Karon's Book Collection

So much treasure and good read for the bargain price of $3.25. Why is my husband never as excited when I tell him all the money I save?! I’m just going to tell him full price and pocket the difference. Good plan? ;) That and my kid’s upcoming Saxon math book for $5.. but these are for me, so it’s more exciting. My mom tried to get me to read Jan Karon in high school. I didn’t. I appreciate her now. I guess I’m “old” enough. Small town life like Louise Penny and simple old fashioned life like Gene Stratton Porter. My kind of book.

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