Homeschool Habits and Routines
Topic for #hereisourhomeschool : Habit. .
I would like to be a scheduler. I pretend. I make lists. I have a bullet journal. In the past, I spent hours every year making a plan of what pinterest projects to do on what week of #classicalconversations or what lined up with MLK day etc. I like the idea of planning... Not very good at the follow through though. I do like an afternoon at Panera with a coke and cookie. Maybe that was the motivation for the planning afternoon ;)
In reality... I’d rather drop the plan if the mountains are calling or friends want to play or the house is peaceful and I can have a moment to myself to read. .
This kid though. The king of habits. He remembers to water his plants. To feed the dogs. To empty the dishwasher in the morning. And to get out his binder and start math and other work on his own—- his priority is getting it done because they aren’t his real priority ;). .
Breakfast. Morning time — our “usual” habit about 10:00. Lunch. Binder work with or without Mom. Supper. And a new (bad?) habit of watching movies or Amazing Race before bed. The rest of the time is filled in on their own usually. Habitual freedom ;)