Reclaiming Wonders

Educational Opportunities in Honduras

Honduras. I’m getting so many questions. My prayer is that I can encourage you to one day go on a well-researched mission trip too — and not that this comes out like “look at how good we are.” . More like “God loves these people and so should you.” ❤️ . As education isn’t standard past sixth grade in Honduras, we only saw kids in elementary school; few go further. Parents need them to work outside the home, have no transportation, and limited resources. There is no school bus to pick them up. I talked to a mom whose kid walked 1.5 hours with another bigger kid one direction to school. Some moms walk their kids to school and stay all day, waiting outside instead of walking all the way back home. . One mountain town had a true one-room school house with fifteen kids and one teacher. Another had four classrooms. All had very well-behaved, respectful kids who were eager to see us. Imagine a teacher in the US who willingly allows foreigners to enter their classroom… and then to present the gospel… and play with them instead of “real learning”. The kids were truly a blessing to all of us. . ➡️Such a lesson to not take our educational opportunities for granted. No, we didn’t change the world it’s greatness with any of these small acts. But we were changed, and maybe one little kid went home with their bracelet and told their mom about Jesus. That seems worth the trip. . ❤️

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