Reclaiming Wonders

Cherish the Little Moments with Your Kids

Hey, mom of littles. I know you’re tired. But one day… 🦖You’ll have kids who don’t want to go explore the zoo or kid museum. 📚You’ll feel like you need to get rid of those favorite picture books, but you just can’t part with them yet. 🎲You’ll look at the games in the closet you didn’t play as much as you wanted. 🛝You’ll see the playground down the road and miss those fun days. 👶You’ll see little kid clothes at Wal-Mart and wish you still needed them. You only get to be a kid once. You only get to be the mom of your little kid once. {Don’t you have a friend - or self - who needs this reminder?} 💙Soak up those kid moments now. 💜Quit trying to push them too fast. There will always be dust and busy-ness. Ignore it. ❤️Soak up those moments. However… Mom of big kid life is pretty awesome, too. I’m told that one day we will miss those too. And man, that baby of the family. He sure knows how to show you how much time has really flown by. 😢 . . . . 👉Make sure you’re following me here @reclaimingwonders where sometimes the sap is just too much, and Mom needs to wallow a bit. 😉 . . . . .

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