A Mother's Relaxing Day at the Park
This is what we do. Mom leaves the house. Sometimes we end up at the park. Sometimes that's the only goal. I sit and let them roam... Usually w a soda in my hand and my Bluetooth headphones on with a snazzy podcast/ book in my ear. It's how I have my mini vacation. My quiet in nature. My destressor. And they watch spiders spin, catch lizards, make their "beds" out of straw and play house at the park... When they aren't performing some death defying feat and climbing on top of something. Usually while barefooted because I'm tired of trying to enforce... One cannot play on pea gravel or mulch in flip flops and, let's face it, it's what we wear most days. So when you see other kids off doing their own thing and their mother is in yelling and sight distance, don't tell them what not to do oh stranger in the park. Let my kids be kids. You micromanage yours all you want... Sorry, some guy ticked me off yesterday... ;) don't worry. I was nice. I think Mr Stranger might have been overwhelmed by the no fear two year old who was climbing up the rock wall while carrying a broken nerf gun he found and shooting "pew pew" at his kid ;). Sigh...