Nikki Tomlin
A person wearing a light blue hooded sweatshirt is standing against a cloudy sky background. Their hands are raised to their head, clutching their hair in a gesture of stress or frustration. The image is slightly overexposed, giving a washed-out look. The subject's face is not visible, but their body language conveys a sense of distress or anguish.

Two Truths and a Lie Game

Let’s play a game 👇🏻 This community has some new faces so let’s play a little ‘get to know me’ game called two truths and a lie. I’ll list mine here and tell y’all the lie tomorrow in my stories and you list yours in the comments along with your guess on mine! 1. I’ve been to 5 continents and 21 countries 2. My sister and I won a bowling tournament as children 3. I have a BFA in Photography Swipe 👉🏻 for the raw shot and take a moment for the acne 😅 this shot was taken in October of last year and I can’t believe how much better my skin looks now!

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