Sexist Comments Faced by Female Photographers
The đź’© people say to female photographers is ACTUALLY insane!
And when I’m asked this question they always assume I’m gonna point to, introduce them to, or tell them about some man in my life.
I’ve also had people say things to me like…
“You have a degree in photography? That’s not going to get you very far.” And in the next breath rave about their male family member who’s suuuuch a good photographer.
“Oh your lens is so small compared to his so he’s gotta be the better photographer.”
“There’s no way someone like you can take good photos. I know there’s a man somewhere not getting credit.”
For every crap comment or situation like I’ve listed above there are endless amounts of women who are in the creative space CRUSHING it and supporting each other without hesitation and has made working in this field so much more magical!
Tag your favorite female photographers and let them know they are seen!
Thanks @karlieplace for challenging me to make this video and being one of my favorite photographers in da 🌎