Nikki Tomlin

Photography School: Lessons and Opportunities

Getting a photography degree was wild! In my very first class with only 20 students my instructor told us “10% of you will graduate and 1% of you will get a job in the industry.” That made my stomach drop but I was determined to graduate! Some of the things I HAD to study to were: -Film photography from beginning to end in different formats both in the studio and on location. We hardly touched digital cameras for the first year of school. -Lighting, lighting, and more lighting. Obviously, photography=the art of capturing light. We studied lighting on product and people and at different levels in different genres and in any and every location imaginable on all kinds of subjects. -Portraiture in literally every sense of the word in the studio and on location -Color.. y’all we studied the crap out of color. How to tell stories with color, how to print color properly, the color of light and how to correct it or make it what you want, etc. -Photo history and art history. These were some of my favorite classes and I still nerd out on my books from those classes. The list goes on and on and on. A few of you asked in my story Q&A if I had any eBooks or courses for photography and I know I have the knowledge to share I just get nervous to put something together. However, I am listening to y’all so I’m curious if you would genuinely be interested in an e-product on photography from me 😳 lmk in the comments! Also do you think you would be the 1% if you went to this photography school?

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