Nikki Tomlin

Make Life Epic

Make your life epic ✨ And your version of epic! I was editing an old video this week and in the footage I can see how high I was on life and all of a sudden the version of me in the screen said something present me didn’t remember saying at all. “I encourage you to make life epic.” This one life is yours, and yours alone, and there are endless things that make each of our experiences epic for each of us. Maybe your version of epic is climbing volcanos or maybe it’s owning a home or maybe it’s both or neither. I won’t define that for you, but I will encourage you to strive for that feeling old video version of me was living. Present me was rocked by what she said and it definitely gave me a different perspective on what my life is and what I want it to be. What is one thing in your life right now that you feel is epic?

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