How can you Girl the F*ck Up? āØ Yes, these are actual things that have been said to me multiple times and no they aren't the worst things. They have shaped and change me into who I am today in both good and bad ways. Unfortunately, the bad screams louder than the good and has caused me more than a few problems as an adult woman in this world. Breaking the beliefs and letting my inner child show me the excitement I used to feel for the things I love in life has not and will not be an easy journey, however, it's a journey I can't avoid going on anymore. I've been challenging myself for the last few months to be "extra" and wear the outfits and make up I actually want to wear even if I'll be "over dressed" or seem like a "pick me" because who cares? Like actually who does? You being YOU isn't something to hide from in ANY way. So I challenge you to wear an outfit you LOVE or that you've been saving for no real good reason and wear it to the store, the park, the airport, for a walk around the block, or literally anywhere. Take a photo and send it to me via dm or post it and tag me so l can hype you up as you Girl the Fuck Up! And share this with a friend who you think would love to GTFU! #girlthefuckup #girlythings #femaleempowerment