Mastering Composition in Landscape Photography
(Save this post to step up your compositions!)
Swipe to the third slide to understand what I’m breaking down here 👇🏻
When @through.the.llyns and I drove by this spot we both immediately said “THE LAYERS!” (Outlined in blue)
We made note of the spot and came back for sunrise knowing the shadows would be doing some rad things with the layers we saw, which they were, but there are a few other things to note that I think make this shot more than the layers in the foreground.
When composing a shot think of leading lines or ways you can force a viewer’s eye through the shot. In this shot I immediately knew centering the peak would bring the eye into the middle of the shot (outlined in orange) and I could then bring the eye from the peak down to me if I centered myself to the peak (outlined in green).
Now back to those layers! Foreground is important and in this case they support the composition in keeping the eye from going much of anywhere else while also pushing the depth and grandeur of landscape.
In addition, wearing a pop of color is helpful but don’t worry, if you didn’t bring anything bright you can always change it in post!
As you’re scrolling IG really start to slow down and think about how your eyes move through a shot and what you enjoy or don’t enjoy about it to help you refine the way you compose your own shots!
What do you think you struggle with most when it comes to composition?
Also, let me know if you like breakdowns like this and I can work more in for y’all!