Nash Hagen

Why I Create

Why do I create? I could say because I have always been passionate about it, I could say because I find it fulfilling, i could say cause it’s my job, I could even say because it inspires others, but all those are symptoms of the root. I create because that’s what I was created to do. In fact we all were created to create. Your medium might not be film and photo. Yours might be creating businesses, creating experiences for people, creating a better life for the less fortunate, creating new technologies that help the planet. When we boil it down, most things worth doing require creativity and I think people start to go to dark places when they don’t use their creativity. And it makes sense. In the first line of the Bible it tells us who God is. Genesis 1:1 says in the beginning God “CREATED”. He didn’t sit around planning, procrastinating, waiting for the perfect moment… He created. He created everything and said it was good but when he created humans he said it was “very good” Why? Because we are the only part of creation ingrained with His DNA. We are made in His image. We are made to be creators too. I create because it’s in my DNA. I can’t not do it. Be blessed and stay stoked 😎🤙 • • • • •

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