Truth and Controversy: Embracing Biblical Truth
Truth is offensive. -
We live in a politically correct world where being PERCEIVED as offensive is the greatest moral evil. A prime example is that we’d rather give out 37 trophies than hurt someone’s feelings because they came in second place. -
But here’s the thing. The truth is inherently offensive. I know I may lose followers for saying this, but that’s ok because it needs to be said. Contrary to modern belief, the truth was not made to appease your feelings and make you feel good about yourself. It was made for your own good long term. For the record, I’m not talking about my truth, or your truth, or new age truth, because ultimately none of that is actually real truth. I’m talking about THE truth. The Biblical truth. -
The more America and the world strays from The Truth, the more violence and chaos we’ll see. When we prioritize our own human worldview over a heavenly worldview, historically it always ends badly. -
So what I’m saying is that it’s ok to be offensive, it’s ok to be controversial. Not making personal attacks, but taking a stance against evil while being backed by Biblical Truth, and doing so in love. Don’t be offensive just to hurt someone’s feelings, but use it as a way to connect and bridge the gap. Jesus Himself was the most controversial figure in human history despite plenty of other terrible people like Hitler and Stalin. He was controversial because the Truth he spoke was offensive, not to people, but to the sinful heart. -
Truth and evil will always collide. My prayer is that we become people who seek not to justify our sinful desires with fake truth, but people who fervently seek after the truth, the only truth that will set us free. -
Be blessed and stay stoked 😎🤙 -