The Truth Versus Popular Acceptance
Can I drop some relevant truth on y’all for a minute? -
A lie doesn’t become truth, wrong doesn’t become right, evil doesn’t become good just because it’s accepted by the majority. Contrary to popular belief, these things aren’t subjective opinions. Just because you feel a certain way doesn’t mean it’s right cause, news flash, our feelings lie all the time. I know in a world where we place so many of our important life decisions on our feelings it’s tough to hear but it’s true. -
Culture likes to push a lot of things that may be popular or commonly accepted but aren’t actually good for you or worse, are disguised to be good but are not. It’s actually in their best interest to push things that are addictive and usually bad because they know they can make more money off of it. So if they can make something addictive while also pushing it to a lot of people while also removing the thought that it’s actually bad and glorifying it, it’s a recipe for money to be made at the expense of the people. -
It’s quite sad to see sometimes but we can stand up. We don’t have to be ignorant. We don’t have to blindly follow culture or feelings or our friends. We are individuals with a brain not a bunch of sheep following a herd. Just because it’s popular doesn’t mean it’s true and doesn’t mean it’s good. -
Be blessed and stay stoked 😎🤙 - •
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