The True Enemy
Know your enemy. -
Sorry if this seems dark, but I promise it’s not. In a world and country so divided, this has never been more important than it is now. Republicans are not your enemy, democrats are not your enemy. Trump is not your enemy, Biden is not your enemy. The enemy is your enemy. They are just people. -
The enemy’s sole purpose is to steal kill and destroy. He is the prince of darkness, the father of lies, and the author of confusion. He’s not some red devil running around with a pitchfork and to think so would be underrating him immensely. -
His real name is Lucifer which literally means light bearer. He is the father of lies so even his name is deceptive. His goal is to divide and conquer us because a house divided against itself cannot stand. If he can sow division, he can just sit back and watch as we destroy each other. -
You gotta love how there’s always darkness before the morning. BUT GOD has a great-er plan, and no it’s not Trump or Biden. His ways are better than our ways and if we just knew what he was up to we wouldn’t be afraid. -
People are not your enemy. The enemy is the enemy. This isn’t a fight between people and political parties, this is a fight against evil. And just for the record, God loves Trump, God loves Biden, He loves Hilary, and Epstein, and Hunter and He loves YOU and died to save all of us if we would just accept that. -
Stop fighting the wrong enemy. -
Be blessed and stay stoked 😎🤙 -