The Humility Path
We live in a world that doesn’t celebrate or promote the humble... -
...Until they die. Then we’ll talk about how great Ghandi and mother Theresa and all these other people were. -
Besides that it seems humility rarely gets you anywhere. Take for example most celebrities, politicians, singers, etc. they are rarely humble people and if they are, they often didn’t get to where they are through that trait. Most of success in any industry is pumping yourself up. Yet one of the biggest calls of the Bible and most world religions is to humble ourselves. Why? -
I think if you look at the world today you’ll find that the source of most conflict is self centeredness. Everything is about me and how I feel and what you’re doing offends me etc. and it creates division. -
Everyone is created differently with different life experience so as such, it can be assumed that we’re going to have different viewpoints and that’s ok. It’s not ok however when your response to someone with a different viewpoint is to scream, call them names, be violent, or any other response like that. -
When we humble ourselves it’s no longer us vs them and if they don’t agree with us then screw em. Its about putting ourselves aside and being servants to those who are different from us. The answer isn’t a political party, or group, the answer is you and me. -
When it’s no longer about you and what you want, the problem strays from you vs me to you and me vs the issue. I know pretty much everyone is going to have a conversation or encounter with something they don’t agree with this week. Let’s focus on what our first response is. -
Be blessed and stay stoked 😎🤙 -