The Dangers of Toxic Call-Out Culture
Making others look bad never makes you look good. -
There’s a growing trend on social media of call out culture. It’s been going on for years and it’s incredibly toxic. Basically it goes like this. Someone sees something they don’t agree with and instead of having a private message with the person, they publicly shame them on the internet often times sparking others to do so as well. I’m all for education and correction, but this style encourages bullying, and could lead to more serious consequences depending on the person being attacked. -
Let’s not forget that the only truly perfect being was Jesus. If he is our example of love then, we have no excuse to judge others. In fact labeling people does not help us grow in discernment but rather hinders our view to a very one dimensional perspective of the person or situation. This is what many governments have used in the past to dehumanize certain groups of people, making it easier to hate them. -
So be careful what you read, say, post, and influence because although you may never meet the person in real life, it actually does matter. -
Instead of calling out, let’s educate. Instead of shaming people let’s extend grace, and instead of making rash judgements off of a few words or a photo you may see, let’s deploy love and empathy. Someone’s life literally may depend on it. -
Be blessed and stay stoked😎🤙 -
PS sorry for the downer message just been seeing a lot of this kind of behavior recently and wanted to share some thoughts. Curious to hear what you think :)