Manage Expectations for Happiness
Happiness is about managing expectations. -
When you approach life expecting something from it, you have to depend on people and people will let you down. -
Too many people get their hopes up for a job, or a relationship, or a car, or an opportunity and when it doesn’t happen how they want it to, they become depressed. It’s cause their expectations are dependent upon someone coming through for them. -
When you flip the expectation to one of gratitude, it completely shifts the paradigm. Now not only are you independent of people and events, but you find the good in all situations. So weather your wishes come true or not, it will not be devastating because you understand that you came into the world with nothing and everything you have down to the breath you just breathed is a tremendous blessing. -
Freedom and happiness is found in expectation management. -
Be blessed and stay stoked😎🤙