Focus Shapes Your Destiny
99% of the problem is how you think about the problem. -
The only thing we can control is our focus. We can't control the government, we cant control the weather, we can't control what others do, and as much as we try, we can't manipulate God. -
That being said, in general, most major problems that come up in life are nuetral. I'm not saying the things you did to get to that point are nuetral because there is definitely right and wrong, however the outcome is typically neither good nor bad. What makes it good or bad is your attitude and focus. -
If you have a salty attitude towards life, you will find that a lot more "bad" things happen. And the opposite is also true. If you take things in stride, you will find that you generally have more good things happen. This sounds like the law of attraction but let me debunk that. -
All the law of attraction does is shift your focus. If you notice more good things, you will take action on those and be generally more thankful, generous, and happy. If you only see the bad in things, you probably will find that you are constantly surrounded by negativity. -
Your focus controls your destiny! -
Be blessed and stay stoked 😎🤙 -