Embrace Lifelong Learning After Graduation
For everybody about to graduate... -
How come when we’re kids we understand that we’re a work in progress, but when we become adults all the sudden we’re the end result that can’t be changed? -
I’m not sure if it’s how the school system is structured or just society in general but so many people stop learning, and more importantly, wanting to learn after high school and college. -
There’s a ton of pressure put on graduates to know what they want to do and go into the work force right out of school which is fine and all, but a lot of times people miss out on important learning opportunities. -
After graduation is the time to be the most risky because you have the most to learn. You don’t have to be the end result, in fact it’s better if you recognize that you’re not. -
Try stuff, fail, get back up again, start a business with your friends, and live in a 3 bedroom house with 6 people. Now is the time try anything and everything because school can only get you so far. -
Sure you could take a cushy corporate job and if that makes you happy, then by all means go for it, but for those that feel like they’re being forced into it as an only option, I encourage you to remind yourself of your 10 year old self and ask if he or she would be stoked to do what you’re doing now. If the answer is no, then find something that makes that answer yes. -
There’s nothing worse than selling your soul for a few bucks especially when it’s not necessary. Just because you don’t have a job doesn’t mean you can’t make money and be a highly productive citizen. -
Never stop trying, and learning, that’s how you succeed. -
Be blessed and stay stoked😎🤙