Don't Let Others Define You
It’s funny how people define you by what you aren’t. -
Have you ever noticed that? We even do it to ourselves. We say we’re not rich, we’re not pretty, we don’t have friends etc. sometimes we spend so much time worrying about what we’re not that we don’t have time to step into what we are becoming. -
In fact no one can define you unless you let them. People say they know you, but they may know the yesterday version of you. This version is completely different. Just because you made some bad choices doesn’t make you a bad person, it just means you made some bad choices. -
If you are truly aiming to live out the future God has for you, people will see that you don’t match your future and will call you out on it. They’ll say “who do you think you are trying to do x or be y” Great! I hope I’m not the same person I am now in 10 years. Please by all means call me out because I’m gonna have to make some major changes if this future is gonna become a reality. If my future matches the person I am now, then I need to re-evaluate some things. -
We were not designed to stay in a perfect little comfort box. We weren’t made to play small. You aren’t defined by what you aren’t so if you’re not happy with it, change what defines you. -
Be blessed and stay stoked😎🤙