Don't Let Fear Isolate You
Fear compounds when the goal is self preservation. -
In a time when everyone is supposed to be isolating themselves from each other, fear spreads quicker than a virus. Instead of focusing on being there for others, serving, and being a part of a community, we focus on how can I stay healthy, how can I not get sick, and how can I make sure I have enough food and toilet paper in case everything goes downhill fast. -
Fear compounds in isolation. Why? Because when the mind is bored it wanders, and more often than not a bored mind focuses on the negative and worst case scenarios. -
Now I do want to clarify that I don’t recommend throwing house parties or going to large gatherings just to play it safe, but I do think now more than ever we all need community. We need to be positive lights in each others lives. Unfortunately sometimes all we can do is FaceTime, but that FaceTime could be the difference in someone’s day or week. Life is meant to be lived in unison, not in separation. -
When we fill our heads with crap from the news, media, social media etc. it only feeds into the fear. Feed yourself with positive encouragement from friends instead. Don’t let fear tear you apart from the relationships that need you. Pick up the phone, get groceries for someone, make someone’s day because the last thing we need to be doing in a time like this is isolating ourselves from the world. Don’t let fear take hold of you and those close to you. Stay in relationship and encourage each other through it. -
Be blessed and stay stoked 😎🤙 - •