Misconceptions Keeping You in Free Collab Land
What you’re missing 👇
But first comment “Growth” if you want access to a free training I’m dropping tomorrow.
I hear it all the time…
Hotels don’t pay because everyone wants to work for free.
And while I think it is a tougher market now than 5 years ago there are a few misconceptions that are keeping you stuck in “free collab land”
And I know because I too was stuck there… for 2 years. And almost went broke because of it 😭
So here’s the misconceptions👇
1. I can offer additional content as an upsell
Does this work? Rarely.
Because unless the client needs more volume, this isn’t really a value add. More content typically doesn’t serve their greater business goals unless there is strategy attached to it.
2. If I work for free then they’ll want to pay me
Again, in my experience this is rarely the case.
If you are asking for something in exchange you aren’t working for free in the clients mind and they will also associate your name with someone who’s willing to work off exchange.
When you give without expectation, they are more willing to engage you further because they “owe you one”
So offer content for free without any expectation (ahem a free room) and this will position you as a more valuable asset.
3. Hotels would rather higher people with large followings.
The tide is pushing the other way on this one.
Hotels have realized that influencers posting themselves half naked by the pool does nothing but give the influencer social clout.
The hotel is typically no better off for it and even if traffic is pushed towards them, most those people aren’t in a position to book a vacation anyway.
That’s why content strategy is becoming WAY more lethal as a pitch.
I call this concept the “Growth Creator Model” and it’s what allowed my clients to close mid 4 figure retainers with hotels across the world.
No following necessary.
In fact I never pitch my following anymore.
If you want to see how you can apply this method to your business (even with no previous experience) I’m dropping a free training tomorrow. But it’s only for my newsletter subs.
Comment “GROWTH” if you want access
Be blessed and stay stoked 😎🤙