Action Breeds Confidence
Action yields confidence. -
I’ve found that the biggest inhibitor of success in anything we do is mental. If you can master your self talk, you can do practically anything you set your mind to. -
That’s all fine to say, but how do you do this from a practical perspective? Confidence requires repetition. The more you do something the more confidence you will have in being able to perform at a high level. -
As an example, say you think and dream of being a photographer all the time, but you only practice for 2 hours a week. Chances are if someone says you can’t do it you’ll believe them because you don’t have much practice with it. -
On the other hand say you practice for 20-30 hours a week. At that point, it’s at minimum a part time job. You will get much better much quicker and your confidence will build along with it. -
Action inspires confidence. Stop dreaming and start doing. -
Be blessed and stay stoked 😎🤙 -