Kids Activities
A vibrant, handmade pumpkin-shaped craft made from dough, resembling a child's handprint. The pumpkin is predominantly orange in color, with a textured surface and visible impressions of small fingers creating a lifelike handprint shape. The stem and curling vine tendril are molded from green-hued dough, adding an organic touch. A short brown stem protrudes from the top of the pumpkin. The pumpkin rests against a sunny yellow background, casting soft shadows. The word 'Audrey 2017' is inscribed on the pumpkin's surface, suggesting a personalized keepsake capturing a child's handprint at a specific age or year.

Salt Dough Pumpkin Handprint Keepsake

🎃Salt Dough Pumpkin Handprint Keepsake🎃 You’ll need: •2 cups of flour •1 cup of salt •1/2 cup of warm water •orange, white, brown, and green paint Instructions: •Mix the flour, salt, and water in a large bowl until it forms a dough. You can then take it out to knead it until it’s smooth. •Roll the dough out and let your kiddo press their hand into the dough. •Cut around the handprint to form the shape of a pumpkin. Then make a stem and vine out of the remaining dough. •Allow the pumpkin to air dry for 48-72 hours. •Once it’s dry, you can then paint your new keepsake! We mixed orange and white paint to color in the handprint so that it’s lighter than the rest of the pumpkin. •Don’t forget to add your kiddo’s name and the year they made it!

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