Joanna Kalafatis
A sturdy stone church stands solitary amongst mountainous terrain in a rural region. The church's architecture features a bell tower topped with a cross, arched entranceways, and thick stone walls that have weathered over time. The building's earthy tones blend harmoniously with the rugged, rocky mountains that stretch upwards into a vivid blue sky dotted with wispy white clouds. The red-tiled roof adds a touch of warmth to the scene, contrasting beautifully against the natural surroundings. This picturesque image captures the enduring presence of a place of worship amidst the grandeur of nature, hinting at a once-thriving community that has since faded away.

Only a church remains standing in an abandoned town in the Greek countryside. Mass migration over the last 50 years to major cities like Athens has left a lot of rural communities in an #abandoned to semi-empty state. But there is still a lot of beautiful scenery to be found.

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