Joanna Kalafatis
A young woman with long, curly brown hair is walking down a street lined with trees and potted plants. She is wearing a black leather jacket, a checkered scarf, and dark pants. She has a friendly, relaxed expression on her face as she strides confidently forward. The background consists of a row of classic white buildings with ornate architectural details and yellow accents. The overall scene exudes an urban atmosphere with a touch of sophistication and style.

Officially one month since I left #London, though it feels much longer and I miss it constantly. This year has been a whirlwind - traveling and changing environments often makes your time seem so eternal and fuller. I swear it feels like I've crammed three years worth of stuff just into the first half of 2017. •••••• Can't wait to see how the second half of this year goes. What are you excited about this year?! (Photo credit: @grantedaccess) #losethemap . . . . .

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