Jessie on a Journey

Giraffes Use Long Necks for Feeding, Fighting, and Mating

Why do giraffes have long necks? 🦒 ⁠ ⁠ Along with using their long necks to reach food high up in trees and spot predators in the distance, they also use them to show off and fight. 😮⁠ ⁠ Male giraffes sometimes swing their necks at each other in a kind of wrestling match, with the winner being able to show off how strong and healthy they are to potential mates. 💪⁠ ⁠ Speaking of, I was told by my guide that in the photos shown here, the male is actually trying to mate with the female. When they fight, the neck twisting is apparently a lot more aggressive, while here it was quite gentle. ❤️⁠ ⁠ Definitely feel thankful to have gotten to see these beauties in the wild! 😍

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