Solo Staycation Guide: Bring Travel Home
How are YOU traveling from home?⠀
Often when we travel we're seeking a feeling (like being curious), a transformation (like relaxation), or to enrich our lives through new experiences (like trying a local dish).⠀
To help you bring travel home, my friend Charlotte and I have created a visual Solo Staycation Guide. 👉Swipe right for a preview (feel free to save it for later, too!). Then visit the below link to grab the full visual PDF guide.⠀
The guide shares tips for transforming your living space into a resort "abroad" -- as well as mood boards plus a full Friday-to-Sunday itinerary mixing self-care and cultural immersion.⠀
Swipe right for a preview (feel free to save it for later, too!). Then visit the below link to grab the full visual PDF guide.⠀
You can also swipe up in my Instagram Stories and head to the "Ultimate Travel Planning Kit" for the guide + other travel resources! #BeyondTheGuidebook⠀
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