Jessie on a Journey

New Year's Travel Goals

Happy New Year, my fellow travel enthusiasts! What are your travel *goals* for 2018? ___ Everyone always asks where you want to go; but I'm also curious about how you want to grow as a traveler. Maybe you want to take your first solo trip; or learn a language abroad. Heck, maybe your goal is *actually taking* your two weeks vacation! ___ For me, I'm hoping to take more social impact trips in the new year. On the business side of things, I'll be launching at least one new travel blogging course (this one focused on working with brands) as well as publishing more videos. ___ Moreover, as my blogging school and photo tour business grows I'll be spending more time in NYC than in previous years. Don't worry I'll still be traveling a ton -- at the top of my list is Panama, Serbia and Macedonia -- but expect to see a nice chunk of New York-focused content on the blog, as well. *Photo taken during a beach yoga class in Myrtle Beach

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