Jessie on a Journey

Finding Peace in NYC

FINDING PEACE IN THE CHAOS.⁠ ☮️⁠ People keep asking me how things are here in NYC.⁠ 🍎⁠ The truth is, for the last week I haven't left my apartment. I feel like I'm okay when I'm inside, focusing on writing, yoga, meditation, and dance, whereas going outside means having to face the world and what is going on, emotionally and physically.⁠ 😰⁠ Well, my fiance convinced me to go for a walk the other day and I somehow totally forgot we live within a 15-minute stroll of an island that is quite uncrowded. (Quick fact: NYC is home to 42 islands, so it's not as much of a concrete jungle as people often think).⁠ 🏝️⁠ We were able to sit right on the water without anyone near us, just enjoying the peace of the place and the beauty of our city.⁠ ❤️⁠ I can't wait to get back to exploring her. <3 #BeyondTheGuidebook #ILoveNewYorkCity⁠ ___⁠ *⁠ *⁠ *⁠ #NYCStrong #ilovenewyorkcity❤

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