Jessie on a Journey
The image presents a picturesque view of lush gardens in the foreground, with vibrant pink and purple flowers blooming abundantly among verdant green foliage. The flowers appear to be varieties of Sedum or Stonecrop, with clusters of tiny star-shaped blossoms adorning the stems. In the background, the image reveals a glimpse of historic and iconic architecture characteristic of Central Park in New York City. A charming, red-brick building with a distinctive turret or cupola can be seen, adding a touch of whimsy and charm to the scene. The contrast between the natural beauty of the gardens and the architectural grandeur of the building creates a harmonious and visually appealing composition.

Exploring Central Park's Gardens and Attractions

Tip: when visiting @centralparknyc don't just spend an hour there. You can easily spend a full day (or more!) taking in all the views, picnicking, attending yoga classes and bird-watching tours, hiking, and seeing attractions like Belvedere Castle, Bethesda Fountain and Cleopatra's Needle. ___ Of course, the beautiful gardens and flora is worth the trip on its own. While I didn't eat the flowers pictured here, I did sample quite a few plants like black birch and sassafras root during a foraging tour with Wildman Steve Brill. Definitely check him out when you're in town!

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