Jessie on a Journey

Exhausted Summit of Mount Marcy in the Adirondacks

LOL 😂 👉 Raise your hand if you've ever felt like THIS while hiking!⁠ 🥵⁠ Currently editing photos from my "mini-moon" road trip to Lake Placid to hike in the Adirondack Mountains and summit Mount Marcy, the tallest peak in New York State at ‎5,344 feet -- with an elevation gain of 3,166 feet on the hike.⁠ ⛰️⁠ Stay tuned for some epic photos from the trip. For now, you can see how exhausted I was during the final ascent to the top -- as well as the epic view from the summit! #BeyondTheGuidebook⁠ ___⁠ *⁠ *⁠ *⁠ #MountMarcy #CloudSplitter #VisitADK #VisitADKS #UpstateNewYork #adirondacksny #adirondackhighpeaks #adirondackhiking #newyorkhiking #lakeplacidny #hiking👣

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