Can You Guess My Next Sunny Destination?
Congrats to @carlcnelson, @lilyn_mail and Laura Belmore Taube (on Facebook) on winning! The answer was Tampa (Lightning, Cigar, Moonstone, Phosphate and Cuban). 😊
Okay, let's have a little fun (and a little giveaway!). Tomorrow, I'll be flying to a sunny US city for one week. Can you guess which city?
Each of the jumbled words offers a clue, so consider sports teams, iconic foods, important exports and state symbols.
Everyone who guesses the city correct will be entered into a drawing to be sent a postcard with hand-written message from the city when I'm there. If you can tell me the jumbled words, as well, you'll get an additional entry for each word.
I'll be picking three winners tomorrow, April 24, around 2pm EST, so make sure to guess soon! *