Exploring Outside the 303
A smiling woman sits in front of a travel trailer or RV with Cougar branding, working on a laptop computer on a folding table. Behind her, camping chairs and a sports utility vehicle (SUV) can be seen on a grassy area. The scene suggests a digital nomad lifestyle, with the ability to work remotely while traveling and experiencing different surroundings. The image conveys a sense of freedom, mobility, and the blending of work and leisure activities.

Tips for Successful Digital Nomad Life

Becoming a Digital Nomad⁠ ⁠ To me being a Digital Nomad means having the location freedom to earn a living. The scenery changes frequently but the quality of work is still the same. ⁠ ⁠ Here are my top tips to be a successful Digital Nomad:⁠ »Internet is a must, and we recommend having multiple carriers to ensure you can be connected no matter where you want to be. We have all three major carriers. ⁠ »An ergonomic set up elevates your working time. Grab a laptop stand that lifts the screen to eye height and a cordless keyboard for ease of use. We also use seat pillows to align our posture properly.⁠ ⁠ The items we use to support us as Digital Nomads are found in our Amazon store (link in bio). ⁠ ⁠ What other tips would you add to be a successful Digital Nomad?⁠ ⁠

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