Reasons for Full-Time Travel
Why do you travel fulltime?
This is probably the most frequently asked question that we get asked. It's also a question we find ourselves asking other travelers when sitting around a campfire because there is no one size fits all answer.
Some common reasons we have heard to travel fulltime are:
▪️To keep their family together because one spouse works out of town or was away from home most of the month
▪️It's a cheaper option than paying rent or buying a house
▪️To explore the country
▪️To escape extreme hot or cold weather
▪️They are retired and have planned this for years
Our reason for traveling fulltime started out as a 1 year commitment to explore the county as a family. Now, 16 months later it had morphed into a desire to choose experiences over things, have control over how/where we spend our time, and continue to explore this beautiful country.
❓Why do you fulltime our want to go fulltime❓
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