Exploring Outside the 303
The image captures a tender moment between a couple against the iconic backdrop of the Gateway Arch in St. Louis, Missouri. The Arch, a towering stainless steel monument, frames the Old Courthouse building with its distinctive green copper dome in the background. In the foreground, a man in a puffy jacket warmly embraces a woman in a red coat, their faces close together, sharing an intimate kiss. The scene is set in a paved plaza area with checkerboard-patterned ground and benches visible. The image exudes a romantic ambiance, with the couple's affectionate gesture juxtaposed against the architectural marvels of St. Louis.

Lifetime of Love in St. Louis

Find someone you want to annoy the rest of your life 💗 ⠀ I want to brag on this guy for a moment. He not only puts up with my constant requests for pictures, trying new recipes, and venting buddy when this don't go my way. He has been by my side for 18 years and convinced me to dive into this crazy RV lifestyle. ⠀ He is the spontaneous, hard working, and a go with the flow kind of guy. I am so glad I get to annoy you for the rest of our lives 💗 ⠀ ⁉️ How long have you dated and/or been married⁉️ ⠀ ⠀ Follow us @exploringoutsidethe303

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