Exploring Outside the 303
A young woman with long, blonde hair stands alone on the rocky shore of a picturesque alpine lake, surrounded by towering, heavily forested mountains. The lake's surface is turbulent and frothy, with waves crashing against the smooth, colorful rocks lining the shoreline. A large, fallen tree trunk lies partially submerged in the shallow water, its weathered bark contrasting with the vibrant hues of the lakeside stones. The scene exudes a sense of tranquility and natural beauty, inviting the viewer to immerse themselves in the serene wilderness setting.

Colorful Lakeside at Glacier National Park

Glacier continues to amaze and Lake McDonald is exactly what we hoped for. ⠀ The rock color was a highlight to hanging out at the lake. The rocks are actually all over the park but really shine when wet. They get their color gradients from the glaciers. ⠀ We head into the park today for another day of hiking and nature. ⠀ ❓What are your weekend plans❓ ⠀ 👉@exploringoutsidethe303 👈 ⠀

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