😫 well dang.... As we hitched up, we had a surprise of a flat tire. We had a slow leaking tire on the way there, same side, and we changed it to our spare tire. We are rocking white trailer rims...for now. Have you had unexpected travel delays? Follow for more RV life @exploringoutsidethe303 @exploringoutsidethe303 @exploringoutsidethe303
Upgraded in January #5thwheellife #keystonerv #rvtikok #travelfam #rvingwithkids #lifeontheroad #livingwithless #rvers @keystonervcompany @thorindustries
The Struggle is real @keystonervcompany
move a quarter mile #sunsetlover #keystonerv #rvtikok #travelfamily #nomadfamilies #lifeontheroad #5thwheellife #rvtips #lifeontheroad @keystonervcompany
Filter Change out @clear_source