Anna Paige Morgan

My Word For 2022 🎉    Truthfully I have never been a big fan of resolutions, they always felt too boxed in and restrictive. Instead I have been refelecting on the past and figuring out ways I want to improve in all areas of life.    I love the idea of choosing a word because it helps keep you grounded and focused, even when things get challenging. So this year mine is     EMPOWERMENT ✨    The reason this word connected with me is because so many times when it comes down to making decisions or standing up for myself I can feel helpless. Anxiety and fear tend to take over, leaving me stuck.     I want to start working towards feeling empowered in all aspects of my life from business, relationships, health, and so much more.    I want to know in the comments what you are going to be focusing on this year 👇🏼     Remember to give yourself grace with it all❤️

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