Anna Paige Morgan
A young woman with long blonde hair is sitting comfortably on a couch, smiling happily while holding up a green book or package titled 'stix'. She is wearing a white robe or sweater and appears relaxed in a casual living room setting. The room has colorful artwork on the walls, including a framed poster with an abstract design. Next to her on the couch are fresh purple flowers, adding a touch of nature and vibrancy to the scene. The image conveys a sense of openness, comfort, and well-being.

#AD Now more than ever it's important we know what options we have for our reproductive health. That's why I am partnering with @getstix on their newest product!      Restart™, a morning-after pill, is available without a prescription, a safe and effective way to prevent pregnancy before it happens. You do not need to be ashamed for making choices that are best for your body and I love that stix is helping break the stigma.       Restart is available for $38 and can be purchased from their website, with availability for 2-hour, same-day, and next-day shipping.      Stix has also launched the Restart™ Donation Bank, so anybody can donate a dose or request to receive a dose of Restart™ for free, no questions asked. This is such an important step in making sure everyone has options.       Restart has a shelf life of 18-20 months, so you can proactively have this on hand. It's time we break the stigma, and kick away the shame. We all deserve to decide what's best for our future.

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